This movie was released in 2017 and directed by Michael Apdet, Unlocked Movie stars Noomi Rapace, Orlando Bloom, Toni Collette, John Malkovich, and Michael Douglas.
Synopsis of Unlocked Movie 2017
Alice Racine is a former CIA interrogation officer who secludes herself and lives her new life in a small London apartment.
Her mistake in doing her job in the past had killed several people due to bomb explosions in France. She was devastated and decided to quit her job and become a therapist at the London Community Center.
Despite being in exile, he is still on good terms with the head of MI5, Emily Knowles. Knowles hopes that Racine can return to his job as an interrogator at the CIA.
Similarly, his mentor at the CIA, Eric Lasche, often warned Racine not to let his past failures destroy him. Just like Knowles, Lasche also hoped that Racine could return to being an interrogator at the CIA.
One day, the CIA and MI5 received information that there would be a biological attack by a terrorist named Yazeed Khalil. The attack will be carried out in the UK in collaboration with David Mercer.
One of Khalil's couriers, Lateef, was arrested by a London officer named Frank Sutter. Sutter claims the arrest he made was based on the direction of Bob Hunter, head of the CIA. Racine was given directions to help interrogate Lateef.
As it turned out, Racine was deceived by Sutter. Before delivering his message to Sutter, Racine realized that one of Sutter's men was ready to kill him. Before he leaked Lateef's secret, Racine tried to escape.
Lateef was killed and Racine managed to escape to where his mentor, Lasche, lived. There, Racine met a criminal named Jack Alcott.
Alcott helped Racine in his escape despite being a criminal. Racine, who has no one to trust, still keeps Lateef's secret tightly which involves the safety of many people.
So what will happen next? Can Alice Racine and Jack Alcott thwart Yazeed Khalil's act of terrorism?
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